Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Police Report submitted to United States Department of the Interior

I think this is where police brutality starts - right here, to average people, and it goes unnoticed when people fail to report the misconduct of officers that they suffer from every day all over the country. Don't put up with it - report it, make a paper trail. Call the number on the bottom of your ticket, get your story straight, look up the laws, and send it in to the people who are training these guys. This is the report I just sent in.

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

-Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America

July 3rd, 2009 11:15pm

I was with a group of friends and acquaintances somewhere between beach 17 and 18 at Ocean Beach in San Francisco. We had just finished eating a delicious fire-cooked feast of foil-baked food, and were standing around the fire together listening to the waves and talking under a starry sky when we were spotted by some uniformed officers. I believe there were five of them. They drove up behind our group in two beach buggies and began to gather around us, forming a sort of semi circle from the north and east. They shined their flashlights in our eyes when we looked to acknowledge their arrival, then began shining their lights on our bags and asking people questions; Any alcohol? No, we said. What's in those bags? There were some paper bags the groceries had come in, which were now largely filled with trash, and our personal backpacks and coolers. They demanded that someone search through these bags. But that person's search produced nothing of concern and they started poking around themselves. Already they had infringed on our Fourth Amendment right to be secure in our persons and effects. Apparently they were looking for alcohol. However, our group was standing around a public fire pit with a number of other groups.They did not have probable cause, nor does probable cause necessarily circumvent the need to issue a warrant or at least to state a reason for suspicion. Even where a search is deemed valid without a warrant ''...the Court frequently asserts that ''the most basic constitutional rule in this area is that 'searches conducted outside the judicial process, without prior approval by judge or magistrate, are per se unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment” (, 9/7/2009). This search was unreasonable.

I was standing on the more eastern side of the semi-circle of officials, and I was upset by how nervous our group had become when they arrived, as well as by their unwarranted search. Our group was not being rowdy or loud. The only things about us which may have attracted attention were our numbers and diversity, so I spoke up. There were two uniformed men standing nearby, so I put my question out to them “Why are you searching us?” I got no reply. So I tried another angle. I said “It's illegal to search without a cause, why are you searching us?” This time, the officer farther from me turned around and beamed me in the face with his flashlight as he said “I'll give you a ticket without a cause!”.

My stomach tightened. This man wearing a government uniform, carrying a large heavy flashlight, and very probably armed with a gun, had plainly stated that he was willing to blatantly defy the law. He made this statement among his peers, all similarly out-fitted, and none of them spoke up. None of my peers dared to say anything as we were all prepared only for a pleasant evening out on the beach, not a hostile confrontation with authority.

I was still shocked by his words by the time he approached me. Again the light was in my face, then it traveled down to my left hand in which I was holding a quarter-full plastic cup. “What's in the cup?” he demanded. I saw sand settled in the bottom of the cup and floating near the edges. Without thinking, I dumped the cup upside down in the sand. He instantly grabbed my shoulder, squeezing hard and pulled me roughly away from the fire and my friends. “Come with me” My feet were barely touching the ground. This man-handling was entirely unnecessary. He did not even ask me to follow him before grabbing hold of my sholder and dragging me across the sand. I was intimidated, I was even scared. I was physically powerless compared to him, obviously the people I was with would not have been able to help me should the need arise, and he had already made it quite clear that he was not compelled to obey the law. This was a frightening combination.

In Terry v. Ohio “Chief Justice Warren for the Court wrote that the Fourth Amendment was ... applicable 'whenever a police officer accosts an individual and restrains his freedom to walk away'"(, 9/7/2009). I received no explanation, and certainly no warrant before I was dragged away to be written up.

At the sand cruiser he pulled out a pad and began scribbling. He asked for my license, which I had in my back pocket, and I handed it to him. He looked at the address printed on my license, “Is this where you live?” “That is my permanent address, yes”. Clearly, I was not living there at the time since I was in California. I also happened to be at that unfortunate place in American young-adulthood where I had no address since I had just graduated from college and was not yet employed, so I had responded as honestly and clearly as I could. “Is this where you live?” “That is my permanent address”, “Do you live there?” Not sure why he was still prying at that I gave the answer he wanted, for a second time. “Yes.”

He continued writing on the ticket only to stop a moment later, “it says here you weigh 103 pounds, is that how much you weigh?” “Actually it says 106, and how is that relevant?” “Well I think you weigh more than that” I guess he would have a good idea since he just dragged me to his car, yet I still didn't see how this pertained to the citation he was writing... which he still had not explained. “I need it for identification purposes. I have to make sure I have the right person. I think you weigh more than this” “You should know you don't have to update your weight when you renew your license, and I really don't know why it matters. I'm about 115 now” “Really, I'd say you weigh more like 120”. And that is what he wrote on the ticket. Now it was clear that he was just taunting me, picking at every detail he could find, trying to get some satisfaction out of revealing my insecurities. Did he want to see me cry?

He resumed writing on the ticket. I stood there trembling and upset at the injustice, but since I was already receiving a citation and knowing my right to freedom of speech, I asked another question. “Do you feel like you're doing a civil service?” He didn't answer. I filled the silence with a remark about how enlightening he had been, and he told me that if I needed a lecture he would give me one when he was done writing. So when he finished he straightened up and looked at me in the eye to say, and I quote, “Dumb girls like you get drunk on the beach at night, and they get raped”. The things this remark conveyed to me were troubling: First he called me dumb, and then he blamed women for being raped. I was, again, too rattled to think of a good response and ended up saying only “Thanks for calling me dumb, that's really kind of you”.

At this point he had made me feel extremely unsafe. I knew he had no regard for the law, he was willing to use brute force to coerce people into action, he demeaned women, considered me personally to be dumb, was armed, and unaccountable to the other people with equal standing present at the time. Next he asked me if I had any belongings with me. I said “yes, I have a backpack by the fire.” He told me to get it but made no move to hand me my license. Before I took a step away, I asked for my license, which he slowly handed to me. I put it back in my pocket, walked to the fire, shakily picked up my backpack, and tried to maintain enough composure to tell my friends that I was basically okay but that we should go. Before I had said more than 3 words to that effect Michael's voice was raised, “Get off the beach or I'm going to arrest you!”

I was startled, maybe I should have assumed that I would be arrested if I didn't leave the beach instantly after getting my bag, but I hadn't even explained to my friends that I'd gotten a ticket, nor did I know I was expected to leave the beach instantly. I began to explain that I came with these people, they had parked the car after I was on the beach, and I didn't know where it was so I needed to leave with them. They were still gathering their own things as some of them had also been “interviewed”. Again “GET OFF THE BEACH NOW! OR I'M GONNA ARREST YOU!”

Now I had only two choices. One was to walk away from the people I knew, into the dark, across the beach alone to an uncertain location after being told by this officer of the law that girls get raped on this beach a lot. Or, I could get arrested. I turned helplessly to my friends, who assured me that they would follow and urged me to go. So I went – very much distressed, out into the dark by myself to avoid being arrested.

Michael, officer number 239, did nothing to improve the well-being of myself, my friends, or the other people on the beach. He in fact induced fear, distrust, vulnerability, and he undermined the law, specifically, the fourth amendment.

I believe that Michael should be required to take some time to review the Bill of Rights, and to reevaluate his role as an officer and his views about women and rape victims. All the people who were on duty with him that night and did nothing to counteract his behavior should be reminded that they must hold one another up to the same standards they impose on those around them.

If I had been able to stay in California long enough, I would have contested this citation. It was completely unreasonable, according to the law.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

லிவின்' இன் கென்டுக்கி

Hah, that was fun. I forgot that was possible. The title is a Tamil transliteration of the English "Livin' in Kentucky"

I applied for food stamps this afternoon, and it was quite easy. I did have to sit in the waiting room for about an hour, but there were whining children with strange parents and adorable silent children to entertain me, not to mention the VISTA notebook full of information on poverty in Kentucky that I got to read up on.

Since I only had $5 in cash and less than $700 in my bank account I got the expedited version of service, pretty sweet!! I'll get a pro-rated allotment of stamps for this month and the full amount for next month, all before turning in my paperwork. I can't complain.

The actual work starts tomorrow, but I went and checked it out yesterday.

I drove in through Gate 5 of Churchill Downs. As I passed the shed-rows with hay nets hanging next to the stalls and Thoroughbred heads peering over their stall-guards I suddenly realized that the dream I used to have of being at Churchill Downs amidst all these race horses, where fame and disappointment, riches and poverty accrue in just seconds, had come to pass. I never thought it would be like this; I wasn't there for the horses. I probably won't even come close to the horses although my office has a great view of the track, right at the main gap.

The only time I'm likely to be around the horses, at least while I'm working, is to recruit students for the Backside Learning Center, to tell them about events, or to talk with their bosses - the trainers. But hey! If I worked there I'd be having a terrible time dealing with the anal trainers and worrying about keeping my job and staying fit to survive, so really I couldn't be in a better place.

I've already identified some challenges. Employees may or may not be documented. We don't know, that's not our business and it wouldn't help them out if we knew, but that means the programs they want to see at the Center are not focused around employee rights, or even human rights. Most of them don't have the time for those concerns, even if they're not being treated well, or their living conditions are out of wack... and if laws are being broken or people are in danger, they probably won't report it. That's why I can't stand to work on the other side of things there anymore, and that's what inspired me to apply for this job - but that's not what I'm going to be able to address through my position this year. That's that, I've gotta move on to other things.

But you! Whoever you are, maybe you can help publicize the rights entitled to humans in the US, the ones that aren't documented but still have flesh, blood, need oxygen and food, love and care. Maybe you can help them find an outlet to assert those rights without risking deportation and/or job loss. The lack of such a device in our legal system allows for exploitation and the persistence of slave-labor conditions in the relative wealth and flaunted democracy claimed by the same country that we are often proud and grateful to live in.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

All too believable...

"UCS (Union of Concerned Scientists) found that 46% of the
scientists who responded to the survey “perceived or personally experienced pressure to
eliminate the words ‘climate change,’ ‘global warming,’ or other similar terms from a
variety of communications.”111 37% of the scientists “perceived or personally
experienced statements by officials at their agencies that misrepresented scientists’
findings.”112 Moreover, 38% of the scientists “perceived or personally experienced the
disappearance or unusual delay of websites, reports, or other science-based materials
related to climate.”"

-Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

words and sound

The creation of new words must arise from the abstract expression of emotion through sound. Music is constantly inventing new words, language doesn't do this anywhere near as frequently because forms of vocal experimentation and/or expression other than words are generally viewed as eccentric or childish forms of expression. It can also be challenging to transcribe such sounds into writing... Communication is such an important part of life, make yours as rich as possible by pushing the boundaries with sound daily. What are people's reactions? Are you understood?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

An emotional experiment

I went for a walk today, like I do every day, just to get my dog a little exercise. Today though, I was feeling different; It had something to do with how she tore up the couch last night while I was at work, and it had something to do with my house mates complaining about her demolishing their food and clothing. Of course my feelings can't be separated from the fact that I am financially responsible for all the nonsense she un-does, and I'm supposed to be keeping up with my school work. So when we got to the field I let her off the leash like I always do and watched her tear around for a while, then I riled her up once she had settled down some, just to get as much energy out of her as possible. Then I decided not to put her back on the leash. I just walked away. I called her a bunch and she didn't respond, she never does. But this time I was sick of it. If she didn't come then I was just going to leave her there. And I did. It was much more difficult than I had imagined it would be.

I walked across the field and out to the road, trying not to look back too often, and stopping myself from calling her every five steps. Finally I was out of sight and she hadn't budged. I stopped to wait for five minutes and then told myself to keep going after that. She didn't come. I was very sad... I was angry. I felt let down. Dogs are supposed to be loyal, never leave your side blah blah blah all that bullshit. Well she was no good. She deserved to stay out there. She'd probably come back by nightfall anyway, although I wouldn't be home then. So I kept walking. I thought about telling my friends what I'd done, I thought about calling someone who would tell me to go back and get her, and then I realized that I didn't want anyone's advice. I didn't know why I was doing this either. I didn't know if it would make me any happier or any less in debt. I tried to imagine how I would feel if I saw her in a week being led around by someone else... would I say something? Would she recognize me? Or what if I found her smashed in the road... then I'd be sad. I'd feel guilty. But if she came home at night I'd feed her, and then what? Nothing. So why leave her? Because maybe it doesn't matter that much if she never comes back. I decided finally that if she didn't come back the worst I'd have to face is seeing her as road-kill, and the best would be no more bills. So I kept walking, but I didn't feel any better. I kept turning around and looking behind me. I kept looking across people's backyards and through brush to the field where I'd left her.

A few tears escaped and I sent a message about it to someone who might be my friend, but I didn't feel any better then either. I thought about how I should feel - and decided that I should be relieved. At that moment I had no obligations, I could walk freely back to my house, make myself some food, and get ready to leave for class. I didn't need to go to the store and buy a new collar (unless she showed up), or worry about finding a trainer. At that moment, I should feel happy. It worked for a few seconds while I was thinking about those things, but the feeling didn't linger.

I heard jingling and little feet flying, I looked behind me, and there she was! Running down the street toward me. I was more startled than happy. She ran right past me, but she stayed close. I didn't even try to pat her or say anything to her... I was suspended. She took off into someone's yard and I just kept walking. So she did feel some attachment to me, so what? She's still crazy, she's still destroying my life, she's still not coming when I call her, but she's here now because she wants to be. Then I felt a little better. I still didn't feel happy... though I decided I felt contented.

It was weird, how I was thinking about my feelings instead of feeling them. But contentment seemed like the right way to describe the steady feeling in my stomach. Or did I just mistake euphoria for happiness and contentment for sadness and have no concept of a level mediocrity? Did I just feel unhappy with contentment before because I thought happiness could be maintained constantly? Happiness is a momentary state like sadness or excitement, or any other emotion - but the baseline is contentment, perhaps. And if so, then maybe I've just been sad because I my expectation was happiness. What's wrong with settling for mediocrity? It's easier, more attainable...

Is that all?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

...maybe too brightly

It's October and I'm thinking about power. Power in my life and in my college and town and county and state and country and continent and world. Power is in every little facet of life. And power can be so ugly, mutant. Transforms one's conception of oneself, of one's world, of one's relationship to the world. Power manifest through action, word, and culture. Control. Fear of losing control, of losing power of losing influence and meaning. Fear. Scare tactics. Powerful scare tactics - used since the beginning of time by the weak, by the fearful, by the ignorant. Influential on the weak, the fearful and the ignorant, causing regression, crippling society. Fear designates power to the feared, the fearful beware.

More personally; the desire for power can seize unawares, cause you to interact in ways you had never dreamed could be driven by that molten force. Such a detested filth could never be part of your own cleansed constitution and yet it's there. Discovered. Putrid fumes rising from the chest and the breath of the very person you thought could escape it. Yourself. What for? When did it arrive there? Has it been more positively expressed or have you been governed by it, making an undetected mess, for years upon years? How many interactions were tainted, stained and permanently drained of value due to an irrational desire to become mired in the minds of people somehow perceived to be higher? Though equality is professed somehow you didn't manage to manifest that belief in living action. Somehow you were able to deny the true meaning of the word on a fundamental level - power still seemed like something one could be entitled to, had a right to fight for; but power is not a goal, it is a punishment and a tool for repression. If equality exists than power as we know it can not be the way I understand it to be... because we would all have it and it would lose it's value. There would be no power. No struggle for power. Power over what? Over whom? Is this too encompassing? Equality may not equal utopian communities based on sharing and the meeting of basic needs. But power definitely doesn't, and power doesn't promote equality, it promotes subordination. Could the climate crisis release the world focus on power and link it to a collective challenge based on survival? No, we compete to survive. Competition is a way to determine a power-scheme. Power. Fear. Humanity?